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Microsoft 365


Don't want to give up on progress?  
  Don't want to invest in new mail and file servers?
Want to reduce the burden on IT professionals?  
  Want to make office work more efficient?
Do you want your colleagues to be able to work from anywhere at any time?  
  Would you prefer not to worry about security?


  Microsoft 365 includes cloud-based applications that can provide companies with a highly efficient and secure office environment. It is no coincidence that many small, medium and large companies are planning to implement the product or have already done so.


If you want to launch your product now, or need help supporting and improving your existing system, we are the right place for you! 


Implementation   Customer Support
  We can help...  
understand the product and the different types of subscriptions   troubleshoot problems in the current system
benefit from the potential of the product to meet business needs   answer questions that might arise
assess the current system   with expansion if new needs arise
plan and implement product launch    development and customisation for specific needs
with simple or more complex migrations   train professionals who run the system
set things up   learn about new opportunities and applications
utilization and adaptation   in continuous innovation


 If you need further information, please contact us at + 36 1 999 6514 or sales@szirtes.com.